The 2010 Genesis Coupe is a purpose-built rear-wheel drive sport coupe featuring two performance-focused engines – a 210-horsepower, 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine and a range-topping all-aluminum, 306-horsepower, DOHC 3.8-liter V6 engine.
The entry-level Genesis Coupe 2.0T, with its unique combination of rear-wheel drive and four-cylinder turbo power, offers an intriguing alternative to existing front-wheel drive sport coupes. The 3.8-liter version of Genesis Coupe takes driving to an even higher level, rivaling the capability of premium-performance coupes.
The 2010 Genesis Coupe is a purpose-built rear-wheel d rive sport coupe featurin g two performance-focuse d en g ines – a 210-horsepower, 2.0-liter turbochar g e d four-cylin d er en g ine an d a ran g e-toppin g all-aluminum, 306-horsepower, DOHC 3.8-liter V6 en g ine. Genesis Coupe is sche d ule d to join the Hyun d ai lineup in the sprin g of 2009.
Followin g the intro d uction earlier this year of the rear-wheel d rive Genesis sport se d an, Genesis Coupe is Hyun d ai's most d ynamic performance car ever an d the secon d consecutive all-new mo d el intro d uction from Hyun d ai appealin g d irectly to the car enthusiast. Genesis Coupe uses the same flexible rear-wheel d rive architecture ori g inally d evelope d for the Genesis sport se d an.
“We think our entry-level Genesis Coupe 2.0T, with its unique combination of rear-wheel d rive an d four-cylin d er turbo power, offers an intri g uin g alternative to existin g front-wheel d rive sport coupes,” sai d John Krafcik, presi d ent an d CEO, Hyun d ai Motor America. “The 3.8-liter version of Genesis Coupe takes d rivin g to an even hi g her level, rivalin g the capability of premium-performance coupes like the Infiniti G37.”
Genesis Coupe was shown as a concept at the 2007 Los An g eles Auto Show an d its transformation from concept to pro d uction reveals that its si g nature d esi g n features have emer g e d intact.
“The mission for Genesis Coupe was to create a pure performance car with a d esi g n that woul d capture the ima g ination of har d core automotive enthusiasts,” sai d Eric Sto d d ar d , senior creative d esi g ner at the Hyun d ai Desi g n Center in Irvine, Calif. “With its a g g ressive look from just about any an g le, I think we have been able to d o that. ”
Genesis Coupe is also unmistakably linke d to several Hyun d ai concept cars. The powerful curves, un d ulatin g beltline, surface d etail, an d “Z” bo d ysi d e lines come strai g ht from the HCD9 Talus an d the HCD8 sport coupe concepts.
Genesis Coupe's archin g roofline an d taperin g g reenhouse hi g hli g ht the exterior profile an d emphasize the car's broa d shoul d ers an d wi d e stance. The Genesis Coupe's rocker panels are d rawn close to the g roun d makin g the bo d ysi d es extra thick an d the d ayli g ht openin g thin, allowin g the wheels to be slamme d up into bul g in g fen d ers. To complete the a g g ressive sports car look, the d epth between the fen d ers an d the g reenhouse has been maximize d .
Large openin g s in the front fascia allow for better en g ine breathin g . The d ual exhaust tips inte g rate d into the rear fascia with surrounding blackout repeat the d esi g n theme of the front fascia graphic.
Genesis Coupe ri d es on stan d ar d 18-inch alloy wheels or optional 19-inch wheels, both d eliverin g a bol d stance an d a g g ressive han d lin g .
The Genesis Coupe boasts a cockpit d esi g ne d to enhance the d rivin g experience. An information d isplay screen features an outsi d e temperature rea d in g an d au d io system information. Analo g g au g es inclu d e a lar g e spee d ometer an d tachometer positione d so the d river can imme d iately access critical d rivin g information. The instrument cluster features Hyun d ai's si g nature blue g au g e illumination. Bucket front seats with lar g e si d e bolsters offer excellent lateral support for enthusiastic d rivin g .
Amon g the other refinements are an Infinity au d io system an d front seat warmers. Genesis Coupe also offers the convenience of a Proximity Key an d push-button starter.
Genesis Coupe's body shell is rich in ultra-hi g h-tensile steel. Genesis Coupe is li g hter than the Infiniti G37, an d its chassis is also 24 percent stiffer in bending rigidity than the BMW E46 M3. Rear-wheel d rive provi d es a 55:45 front/rear wei g ht d istribution.
Two en g ines infuse Genesis Coupe with performance. The 3.8-liter Lamb d a DOHC V6 en g ine d elivers 306 horsepower an d 266 lb.-ft. of torque on re g ular unlea d e d . This en g ine will launch the Genesis Coupe from 0 to 60 miles per hour in un d er six secon d s. To maximize the power ban d , the 3.8-liter en g ine utilizes Dual Continuously Variable Valve Timin g (Dual CVVT) an d a new Variable Intake System (VIS) that helps cylin d ers breathe efficiently at both low an d hi g h RPM. The better breathin g results in outstan d in g off-the-line acceleration an d passin g performance, an d remarkable fuel efficiency. The V6 en g ine uses an alloy block an d cylin d er hea d s for li g hter wei g ht an d thermal efficiency, an d features timin g chains with no sche d ule d maintenance.
The turbochar g e d , intercoole d 2.0-liter DOHC inline four-cylin d er benefits from Dual CVVT on both the intake an d exhaust camshafts. The 2.0-liter turbo g enerates 210 horsepower an d 223 lb.-ft. of torque. It also features a cast-aluminum cylin d er block an d cylin d er hea d . Both en g ines feature a free-flowin g d ual cat-back exhaust an d an available Torsen limite d -slip d ifferential to put the power to the g roun d .
Genesis Coupe employs a MacPherson strut d ual-link front suspension an d a five-link rear suspension setup. The front suspension is mounte d to the bo d y via a soli d subframe which is li g hter an d stron g er than a multi-piece component woul d be . To help re d uce bo d y roll an d tune the Genesis Coupe's at-the-limit han d lin g for maximum pre d ictability, 24-mm d iameter front an d 19-mm d iameter rear stabilizer bars are use d .
While all Genesis Coupe mo d els offer a fun an d sporty d rivin g experience, the hi g h-performance Genesis Coupe Track models are the most willin g partners for the true enthusiast. The Track suspension features a stiffer front sprin g rate, stiffer rear sprin g rate an d unique shock valvin g . Genesis Coupe Track edition's deliver an increase in roll control over other Genesis Coupes. Superb structural ri g i d ity sets the foun d ation for precisely-tune d han d lin g performance in all Genesis Coupes.
Hy d raulic rack-an d -pinion steerin g with a quick ratio g ear delivers both linearity and agility. The steerin g is also en g ine-RPM sensin g .
Both en g ines are mate d to a stan d ar d six-spee d manual transmission. The Genesis Coupe 2.0T offers an optional five-spee d automatic with SHIFTRONIC ® while the 3.8-liter V6 offers a ZF six-spee d automatic transmission with SHIFTRONIC to han d le the a d d itional torque
Drivers can access the SHIFTRONIC® feature by movin g the g ear selector into a separate g ate. Pushin g the selector forwar d or pullin g it rearwar d will shift the transmission up or d own sequentially, a d d in g to d river control. Both automatic transmissions feature steerin g -wheel-mounte d pa d d le shifters, in a d d ition to the shift capability on the center console shift lever. A clear LCD rea d out on the instrument panel shows the g ear that's in use.
Brembo four-piston calipers clamp d own on 13.4-inch ventilate d front brake rotors an d 13-inch ventilate d rear rotors on Track mo d els. All other mo d els g et substantial 12.6-inch front ventilate d rotors an d 12.4-inch rotors in the rear with floatin g sin g le-piston calipers.
The 2010 Genesis Coupe offers Xenon hi g h-intensity d ischar g e (HID) hea d li g hts. The a d vanta g es of HID hea d lamps inclu d e g reater li g htin g power, d ayli g ht-type li g htin g an d re d uce d power consumption. In a d d ition, the cut lines of the new HID hea d li g hts are extremely precise, provi d in g maximum ni g httime visibility without d istractin g other d rivers.
Music lovers will welcome the 2010 Genesis Coupe's stan d ar d auxiliary input jacks (3.5 mm mini-jack an d USB input) to accommo d ate an d char g e au d io d evices such as iPo d s®. When an iPo d or flash d rive is connecte d throu g h the USB port, locate d in the center stora g e compartment, not only d oes it play music throu g h the vehicle's au d io system, but it also char g es the iPo d an d allows the d river to access tracks with the steerin g wheel au d io controls. This system also allows both d river an d passen g ers to easily view son g /artist/title information an d control the music from the au d io hea d unit rather than only the iPo d itself.
In keeping with Hyundai's focus on offering segment-leading standard safety technologies across its lineup, the 2010 Genesis Coupe inclu d es a wi d e ran g e of both active an d passive safety features. Stan d ar d safety technology inclu d es d river an d front passen g er a d vance d frontal airba g s, alon g with front seat-mounte d si d e airba g s, si d e air curtains an d active front hea d restraints.
Genesis Coupe has stron g unibo d y construction, alon g with front an d rear crumple zones, bo d ysi d e reinforcements, an d five-mph ener g y-absorbin g bumpers. The hoo d also inclu d es bucklin g creases an d safety stops.
The front seatbelts have pretensioners an d force limiters, an d the rear seats feature LATCH (Lower Anchors an d Tethers for Chil d ren), which make affixin g chil d safety seats easier.
All Genesis Coupe mo d els feature stan d ar d four-channel ABS with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) to optimize brake performance un d er various d ynamic loa d in g con d itions. The system also inclu d es Brake Assist, which provi d es maximum ABS-level brakin g force when a panic stop is d etecte d .
Electronic Stability Control (ESC), one of the in d ustry's most effective life-savin g technolo g ies, is stan d ar d in all Genesis Coupes. Insurance Institute for Hi g hway Safety (IIHS) stu d ies su g g est vehicles equippe d with ESC experience 56 percent fewer fatalities in sin g le-vehicle crashes.
“One of the pro g ram tar g ets for the Genesis en g ineerin g team was worl d -class wei g ht efficiency,” sai d John Krafcik, vice presi d ent, Pro d uct Development an d Strate g ic Plannin g , Hyun d ai Motor America. “When you look at the size an d content of both Genesis mo d els, you'll fin d we lea d all our competitors in wei g ht efficiency. We also tar g et lea d ership in power-to-wei g ht ratio. We think that's just smart strate g y in to d ay's worl d . It pays hu g e d ivi d en d s in both performance an d fuel economy, an d that's especially important in the se g ments in which these cars compete.”
Both Genesis Coupe an d se d an are rich in ultra-hi g h-stren g th steel, lea d in g to worl d -class bo d y ri g i d ity. The Genesis se d an is 10-12 percent stiffer in torsion than Lexus an d Merce d es-Benz competitors, yet it is li g hter than these benchmark se d ans, an d offers more interior room. At just 3294 poun d s, the Genesis Coupe 2.0T is hun d re d s of poun d s li g hter than all of its IRS-equippe d rear-wheel- d rive competitors, with bo d y-ben d in g ri g i d ity 24 percent hi g her than BMW E46 M3.
This focus on wei g ht efficiency pays d ivi d en d s across the boar d . The Genesis se d an owes its ability to d eliver both stron g performance (0-60 mph in just 5.7 secon d s) an d excellent fuel economy (25 mp g EPA hi g hway ratin g ) in g reat part d ue to its impressive wei g ht efficiency. Similarly, the Genesis Coupe 2.0T sets a new benchmark for front-en g ine, rear-wheel- d rive g asoline fuel efficiency with a remarkable 30 mp g estimate d EPA hi g hway ratin g , because of its wei g ht-efficient platform an d its efficient 2.0-liter, low-pressure, turbochar g e d four-cylin d er en g ine.
“While some turbochar g ers sacrifice smooth d rivability with hi g h operatin g boost pressures in the 20 psi ran g e, Genesis Coupe uses a refine d , low - boost calibration for smoothness an d efficiency,” sai d Derek Joyce, Genesis Coupe pro d uct mana g er. “We coul d have opte d solely for bi g performance numbers, but our focus for the 2.0T was a more balance d packa g e.”